

In this initial phase, the process involves collecting vital product and brand information from the client through a brand questionnaire or an online meeting. This stage concludes with the final project price.

Not started

The next stage consists of the creation of moodboards/stylescapes to explore diverse visual directions for the brand's look and feel, which are then collaboratively reviewed and refined.

3 days

Not started

In this stage, packaging and logo designs take shape, typically featuring three concepts that illustrate the brand's visual identity. These concepts are based on visual directions outlined in the moodboards.

2 weeks

Not started

In this phase, selected concept is refined and extended to cover all SKUs.

3 weeks

Not started

In the artwork phase, designs are applied to die-cut templates, and packaging backs and sides are developed.

1 week

Not started

Brand guidelines are formulated, serving as a clear framework for maintaining a consistent brand application and design standards.

2 weeks

Not started

All developed materials and files are transferred to the client, enabling them to take ownership of their brand identity and design assets

Not started